Weekend bird count planned at Ryerson
WIND RIDGE – On Sunday morning, members of the Ralph K. Bell Bird Club will be out in the field once more, this time at Ryerson Station State Park. They are continuing to count the many species of warblers and other birds that have returned to Greene County to nest.
Last Sunday, these citizen scientists kicked off the Enlow Fork Spring Wildflower Walk at 8 a.m., braving a steady drizzle to listen and look for the little songsters that love to raise their young in the secluded valley that surrounds Enlow Creek, the northwest corner of the county line.
Spotting birds in the rain is never easy because they lay low and avoid flying, club president Marjorie Howard said.
“We only had 40 species of birds this year and of that there were 10 warbler species. I researched my data for Enlow and have had 24 species of warblers since I have been going in the early ’90s,” Howard said.
The club is ready to give spring bird counting another try at Ryerson Station State Park this weekend. On Sunday, they will gather at 8 a.m. in the parking lot of the park office to lead a bird walk, and the public is invited.
“We will be looking for spring migrants such as vireos, warblers, Baltimore oriole and scarlet tanager. We could see as many as 15 warbler species.” Howard said. “This will give us a preview of what birds are here for the Pennsylvania migration count on May 11. Anyone interested in participating, email rkbbirdclub@yahoo.com, and we will get you a territory.”
The club also will be there for the annual bird watch at 9 a.m. May 18 in and around Ralph K Bell’s family farm near Clarksville.