Community events
Southwestern Pennsylvania Water Authority will flush hydrants next week in Amwell, Washington and Cumberland townships and Rices Landing Borough. Customers may experience a temporary drop in pressure, loss of pressure or discolored water.
The auxiliary board of Southwest Regional Medical Center will meet Tuesday following the volunteer appreciation luncheon.
The Southwest Pennsylvania Woodland Owners Association will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday in building 9 at the Greene County Fairgrounds. Speaker will be Jim Elze, a private consulting forester, who will present a talk on “Preparing for a Timber Sale.” For more information, call 724-499-5190.
Waynesburg Community Center will hold scrapbooking classes at 1 p.m. May 15 at the center. It is open to the public and it is suggested you call Tina Raber at 724-627-6366 if you are planning to attend so that we will know how many supplies will be needed.
A drug and alcohol assembly will be held at 8 a.m. May 17 at Carmichaels Area High School. Speakers will include State Rep. Pam Snyder, Carmichaels Borough Police Chief Craig Miller, drug and alcohol prevention specialists Tracy Sypin and John Fox and impact speaker Sandy Seybold.
Church of Christ of Rices Landing, Route 188, will hold its Spring Rally May 17-19. Services begin at 7 p.m. May 17 and 18 and at 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. May 19. Following the Sunday morning servicce, there will be a fellowship dinner open to all at the Rices Landing Fire Hall. The evangelist will be Tim Smith of the New Hope Church of Christ in Dobson, N.C.