9-inch helicopter retrieved from Ohio statue
MARION, Ohio (AP) – A dustup over a wayward remote-control helicopter that became lodged in a statue atop a north-central Ohio courthouse came to an anticlimactic ending on Saturday.
After a week of back-and-forth about who was responsible for retrieving the device, how it could be done and how much it would cost, it took nothing more than a man hanging out of a window with a long pole to fetch the 2-pound, 9-inch device, which is equipped with a camera and cost $1,500.
The Columbus Dispatch reports that the device was recovered Saturday, a week after it flew into the Lady Justice statue on top of the courthouse, coming to rest on the hilt of her sword more than 100 feet off the ground.
It was unclear what condition the helicopter was in and whether it was returned to Terry Cline, the video producer who owns the device and is responsible for the mishap.
Earlier this week, Cline told the Marion Star that he was using the helicopter to shoot an unsolicited promotional video for the city when it was caught by an unexpected breeze.
Since then, Cline had been trying figure out how to get the helicopter back, asking the county, the sheriff’s department and firefighters for help. All to no avail.
County commissioners said they certainly weren’t going to for or risk having someone lowered from a real helicopter to retrieve it, and the courthouse roof was too unstable for anyone to walk on it. It would have to stay where it was, they said.
Cline even resorted to asking Sheriff Tim Bailey, a licensed pilot, if he would retrieve the helicopter and use the situation as a training exercise.
Bailey disagreed.
“Look,” the sheriff told The Columbus Dispatch. “Let’s put this in perspective. He ran a helicopter into county property. It’s no different than if someone hit the courthouse with their car. We took a report. We’re done.”