Bar poll: Lucas top judicial candidate

Washington County’s first assistant district attorney, Michael J. Lucas, received the most “highly recommended” votes among his peers who participated in a poll of the eight judicial candidates in this month’s primary for two vacant seats on the Washington County Court of Common Pleas.
Lucas received 126 such votes, far higher than any of the other attorneys in the race in a poll conducted by the court relations committee of the Washington County Bar Association. Blane A. Black, president of the bar association, came in second with 53 highly recommended votes in the poll released Tuesday as voters prepare to vote in the May 21 primary.
Charles E. Kurowski came in last with seven “highly recommended” votes followed by Alan D. Benyak and Lane M. Turturice with 10 and 11, respectively.
Lucas could not be reached Tuesday.
Turturice said the poll results are meaningless, while Kurowski said they were not unusual for the courthouse.
“My campaign platform is there are too many problems in the courthouse,” Kurowski said. “We just found out our courtrooms are bugged, which is a violation of attorney-client privilege.”
Turturice said voters ultimately elect judges, not attorneys participating in such a poll.
“I don’t place much credence in the bar poll,” he said.
Benyak could not be reached for comment.
Of the 192 ballots returned, 140 attorneys indicated they would not recommend Kurowski for the bench, while 131 such votes were tallied for Turturice. Ballots were mailed to 320 eligible voting members. Members who voted also had the option of not making a recommendation on individual candidates, which were counted as “no vote.”
“Bar association members were asked to evaluate each judicial candidate regarding trial experience, education and training and professional knowledge and skills,” the association stated in a news release. It further stated the bar association makes no statements as to an endorsement of candidates. The poll is viewed by the association as a public service.
Fifteen of the respondents indicated they would not recommend Lucas as a judge, the lowest number of votes in that category among the candidates in the race.
Among the remaining candidates, the “highly recommended” votes they received are as follows: District Judge Valarie S. Costanzo, 46; Peter V. Marcoline III, 44; and Thomas M. Fallert, 12.