PennDOT releases weekly work schedule
Greene County Maintenance Manager Jerome Simkovic announced the following tentative work plan for the week of May 13. All maintenance activities are conducted on a weather-permitting basis. Motorists should drive with caution throughout all work areas and be alert for signed work zones requiring the usage of headlights.
The schedule is as follows:
• Base repair and paving activities will take place on Route 19 (Woodland Avenue to First Avenue), Waynesburg Borough.
• Bridge cleaning will take place on Route 188 near Grimes Run; Routes 1020, 1025 and 2013 near Muddy Creek in Cumberland Township; and Route 1003 in Morgan Township.
• Litter detail will pickup on Interstate 79 in Greene County.
•Bridge repair and cross pipe installation will take place on Route 1021 (Crucible Road), Cumberland Township.
• Base repair, sink hole repair and shoulder stabilization will take place on Route 188 near Dry Tavern and Goslin Road.
• Shoulder cutting and grading will be completed on Route 1005 (Lippencott Road) and Route 1014 (Castille Run) in Morgan Township.
• Slide repair continues on Route 2003 (Buckeye Road), Perry Township. Road is closed.
• Signs will be updated, downed signs will be replaced and complaints will be addressed on various state routes throughout Greene County.
PennDOT has a 24-hour toll-free number for residents to call to report any road maintenance concerns. This number also can be used to report locations of dead deer on state highways. The number is 1-800-FIX ROAD (1-800-349-7623).