A mysterious matrimony

Among the millions of images in the Observer-Reporter’s photo archive are a small number of commercial photographs like today’s, which shows, presumably, a groom, bride, maid of honor and best man.
Photos like this one, which appears from the clothing and hairstyles to be from the 1970s, were not published in the newspaper. At the time, the O-R printed only portraits of the bride with wedding announcements.
Newspaper photographers did do some commerical work at the time, but there is no information accompanying this image. We’d like to know who these people are and when and where the photo was taken.
We’re certain that some of our readers can identify the young couples and perhaps tells us where they are now. If you can help us solve this puzzle, email Park Burroughs, retired executive editor, at pburroughs@observer-reporter.com, or call and leave a message for him along with your telephone number at 724-222-2200, extension 2400.
With a little help, we may solve this Mystery Photo from some 40 years ago and publish the results next Monday.