Floodplain maps redrawn in Franklin
WAYNESBURG – Franklin Township supervisors announced Monday the township has received new flood hazard maps from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
The maps have made some minor changes in the floodplain zones, so residents who live in low areas may want to come to the township building and inspect them, said Supervisor Reed Kiger.
A person whose home is now included in a floodplain may want to consider purchasing flood insurance. Some restrictions also may apply in regard to building in a floodplain, Kiger said.
The maps will be available for inspection at the township building from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. A public comment period on the maps also is effect until the end of the month.
In other action, the supervisors announced the township will hold its cleanup day Saturday.
From 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., residents can bring household items to the township municipal building. The township will have several large waste receptacles at the site to accept resident’s unwanted items.
This year, the township has made accommodations so residents also can drop off electronic items, including computers and monitors, televisions, microwaves and cellular telephones.
Certain items cannot be accepted at the cleanup. They include tires, oil, paint and combustible liquids. Air-conditioning units and refrigerators also must be tagged indicating the Freon has been removed.
The supervisors opened bids for road materials needed for the township’s summer road projects.
As in the past, the township sought separate bids for materials, labor and equipment rental and for “in place” application, which includes materials, equipment and labor.
This allows the township to award a contract for a complete project, which includes labor, equipment and materials. It also allows the township to purchase materials separately and then award another contract for the labor and equipment to apply the materials.
Supervisor John Higgins said the work is bid this way to save the township money. The township is often able to purchase materials cheaper than a contractor because it does not have to pay the 6 percent sales tax, he said.