Warden requests jail petty-cash account for bail
Washington County jail Warden John Temas received permission from the prison board Wednesday to establish a petty cash account to be able to give change to those who are posting bond for inmates.
The prison board’s unanimous vote to approve the $100 account will be ratified at today’s commissioners’ meeting.
People bailing out inmates can do so at the jail during the night or weekends when the clerk of courts office is closed. Clerk of Courts Barbara Gibbs said in addition to cash, bail can be posted by certified check, bearer bonds of the United States, surety bonds or money order.
No property bonds can be posted at the jail because this type of bail must be accompanied by a title search that shows a property has no judgments filed against it.
Although bond is typically set at round amounts, the county requires a $19 filing fee. Gibbs said the jail issues a temporary receipt and is to turn over any bond money to her office at the beginning of the next business day so her office can issue a permanent receipt.