Ohio governor to alert families to execution mercy
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – Ohio Gov. John Kasich has promised in the future to call the family members of murder victims killed by death row inmates he has decided to spare.
Kasich’s decision follows an unprecedented meeting earlier this week with relatives of an Elyria motel clerk killed in a Dec. 15, 1983 robbery.
The sons of victim Helen Vantz requested the meeting in part because of the timing of Kasich’s decision last year, close to the anniversary of Vantz’ slaying.
Kasich spokesman Rob Nichols on Friday confirmed the policy change involving clemency decisions.
Nichols added that the governor acknowledged the unfortunate timing of his decision to spare killer Ronald Post over concerns about Post’s legal representation.
Kasich has spared the lives of four death row inmates since taking office and denied clemency for 10 others.