Central Greene approves spending budget
WAYNESBURG – Central Greene school board has approved a tentative budget for the 2013-14 school year that includes a possible 0.594-mill tax increase. The increase, along with using $995,593 from the fund balance and debt service, would enable the district to balance its budget. However, board members emphasized this is just a proposal and the budget is still being worked on.
The anticipated revenues for the 2013-14 school year are $30,346,492 with suggested expenses of $31,665,301.
As part of the proposed budget, the board approved its anticipated contribution to the Greene County Career and Technology Center of $842,997.29 for tuition and $132,215.36 for debt service payments. The debt service payments cover a bond that was taken out for renovations to the career and technology center in 2004.
The board approved retirement requests from five teachers with 147 total years of service. Irene Jacobs, third-grade teacher; David Artis, middle school social studies; Herb Carpenter, middle school studies; Bridget Montgomery, high school choral and music instructor; and Joyce Winters, family consumer science, will retire effective May 31.
Four district employees have notified the district of their tentative intention to retire at the end of the 2013-14 school year. They are Catherine Carter, high school librarian; Nancy Fox, elementary reading specialist; Debora Smith, high school English and Deborah Crouse, district business manager.
In other instructional staff matters, the board accepted the resignation of Julia Lawrence, fourth-grade teacher and Mark McCollum, middle school band director. The following professional substitutes were approved for the remainder of the school year: Shannon Bartley, early childhood and special education; Eric Conklin, nurse; Beatrice Hook, elementary French and German; and Kelly Hasselbring, Intermediate Unit 1 emergency.
Under non-instructional staff, the board approved transfers for David Warr to a vacant day shift weekend and holiday security position at the high school and Tom Hoy to a vacant afternoon janitor position at the middle school. Non-instructional substitute employees approved by the board are: Shana Darlene Armstrong and Daniel Sherepita, II. The retirement of Candy Dulaney, afternoon janitor at the elementary school, was approved. She served 16 years with the district.
The board granted the maternity leaves of Daniel Eddy, high school special education instructor, and Kim Hyland, high school English and television workshop instructor. A Family Medical Leave was approved for Edith Woods, elementary assistant principal for two weeks, beginning July 8 through July 19. Jackie Young, retired middle school assistant principal, received board approval to substitute for Woods, as needed during her leave, at a rate of $150 per day.
The contract with C.E. Bowers School Bus Services was transferred to Fox School Bus Service, effective June 6, because of the retirement of Bowers owners Marlene and Charles Hunnell. The company provided services to the district for 59 years, according to Crouse. In another transportation related matter, Mark King was approved as a substitute bus driver for King’s Transit for the remainder of the school year.
The board voted 7 to 2 to accept a bid for a new press box at the Raider Field of Pride from Waller Corp. of Washington in the amount of $99,400. Board members Joanne Brookover and Andrew Corfont voted against the measure. Funding for the project will come from a joint contribution of the Raider athletic association and the school district’s capital improvement fund.
Board president Eleanor Chapman stressed that the funds in the capital improvement fund can only be used for building or renovation projects. It cannot be used to balance the budget, or for the day-to-day operating expenses. Brookover said she felt there were more pressing issues the money could be used for and mentioned education related items.
Chapman and Crouse said the press box was inspected by the district’s architect and it was determined renovations or replacement was necessary due to structural issues. Chapman said it made more sense to replace it now than to do renovations and two years down the road have to replace it anyway.
The board also agreed to accept a contract with Slam Dunk Sports to install a new scoreboard at the stadium at no cost to the district. Corfont questioned if the cost of a new scoreboard had been investigated by the district before accepting the agreement. Chapman said Slam Dunk Sports will solicit the businesses to pay for the board under the agreement and it was decided that was the best option as opposed to someone from the district taking on the solicitation to pay for it.
In other athletic activities matters, the board accepted the resignations of Matt Brandstetter, head seventh-and eighth-grade track and field coach; Aaron Ankrom, assistant varsity boys basketball coach; Megan Pierce, junior class sponsor; and Colby Love, head middle school girls soccer coach. Love was approved as assistant varsity soccer coach. Robert Stephenson was hired as seventh- and eighth-grade football coach. Troy Cree was named as a volunteer assistant varsity football coach with James Bret Moore and John Van Meter as paid assistants.
Ashley Beaman was approved as a lifeguard at the high school swimming pool at a rate of $12.23 per hour, effective immediately.