Flenniken launches summer reading program
CARMICHAELS – Flenniken Public Library will be participating in summer reading June 17-26. This year’s theme, “Dig Into Reading,” is all about the wonders under our feet – root vegetables, buried treasure, dinosaur bones, evidence of ancient civilizations and, of course, the critters.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every child participated in summer reading, and as a result, literacy rates were raised throughout the area? When children read only 16.9 minutes a day, they are exposed to 1,168,000 words a year and test in the 70th percentile. If we dig into reading just a little deeper and average 33.4 minutes a day, they devour a staggering 2,357,000 words a year. Together with the family, libraries can build a stronger future for our children by opening a book for minutes a day.
Nurturing a more literate society is one of five literacies in PA Forward, an initiative of the Pennsylvania Library Association. When leveraged properly, libraries can help solve some of Pennsylvania’s biggest economic and social problems.
More than 75 percent of jobs in Pennsylvania demand education beyond high school. And yet nearly 120,000 Pennsylvania youths have dropped out of high school. For more information on how PA Forward impacts Pennsylvania visit www.paforward.org.
Reading is the root of every child’s success. Visit www.flenniken.org to see a complete list of activities and events, starting with the Greene County Master Gardeners’ Tiny Tim Tomato Project at 6 p.m. June 3.
Volunteers will be helping children plant their own tomato plants and will teach them how to transplant and care for them in their own gardens.
For more information, call the library at 724-966-5263. Library hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday.