Charges filed in fatal 2012 crash near Graysville
WAYNESBURG – The drivers of two passenger vehicles involved in a crash last May on Route 21 near Graysville that took the life of a motorcyclist were charged Wednesday by state police with a summary offense of careless driving, unintentional death.
The crash, which occurred at 6:45 p.m. May 28, 2012, resulted in the death of Jason E. Mowry, 36, of Mt. Gilead, Ohio, who was driving a 2013 Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
Police said Adam J. Pettit, 20, of Holbrook, pulled onto Route 21 from a stop sign and was traveling east on Grange Road. His sport utility vehicle pulled in front of car traveling east operated by Stephanie L. Merritt, 22, of Holbrook.
Attempting to travel around Pettit’s vehicle, Merritt pulled into the westbound lane, where her car collided with Mowry’s motorcycle. Police said the motorcycle struck the left side door of the Merritt’s car, which caused Mowry to strike a utility pole.
Pettit was charged with recklessly endangering another person, a misdemeanor, and summary traffic violations of failing to stop or yield the right-of-way at a stop sign and careless driving, unintentional death.
Merritt also was charged with a misdemeanor count of recklessly endangering another person and summary traffic violations of driving on roadways laned for traffic, driving at a unsafe speed and careless driving, unintentional death.
The charges were filed with District Judge Lou Dayich. Merritt’s preliminary hearing is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. July 2. Pettit’s preliminary hearing is scheduled for 10:45 a.m. the same day.