Community events
The 20th Century Club of Waynesburg will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Senior Life Center. The meeting will be hosted by Marcie Kiger. All members are reminded that this will be the club’s annual Toys for Tots collection. Please bring a new unwrapped toy.
Community Sewing Circle of Time will meet Friday for an all-day meeting in the social room of the UnionValley United Methodist Church. Betsy Day will be hostess and program leader. Word for roll call is “family.”
John Corbly Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will meet at noon Saturday at the Hartley Inn, Carmichaels.
The Warrior Trail Association will have its November meeting at the Warrior Trail Headquarters in Fordyce at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 21.Bettie Stammerjohn will speak on the Greene County Food Security Partnership. We are requesting that everyone bring a nonperishable food item for donation. This will be a covered-dish dinner meeting and the Warrior Trail Association will provide the main course. For more information, call Llew Williams at 304-534-2213. This presentation is free and open to the public.