High-volume and elegant

This photo from the Observer-Reporter archives, made from an 8-by-10-inch negative, shows an elegant restaurant with a huge counter – large enough to accommodate 18 diners.
We can imagine with its high ceilings and tiled floors it was a noisy place at breakfast and lunchtime. The enormous, shining urns must have brewed enough coffee to satisfy hundreds.
Was this a restaurant in Washington, Waynesburg or Pittsburgh? We don’t know, and we’re hoping some of our readers can help us solve this mystery and give the rest of our readers a sense of what it might have been like to dine there.
If you have a clue when and where this photo was taken, email Park Burroughs, retired executive editor, at pburroughs@observer-reporter.com, or call and leave a message for him along with your telephone number at 724-222-2200, extension 2400.
With a little assistance, we’ll be able to solve this puzzle and publish our findings next Monday.