Lohr suspended from CYS board

WAYNESBURG – The Greene County Board of Commissioners suspended Children and Youth Services Advisory Board member John Robert Lohr at its board meeting Thursday. Lohr, 56, of 671 Ceylon Road, Carmichaels is being held on $750,000 straight cash bond in the Greene County jail.
Lohr is alleged to have raped a young boy in his care on numerous occasions over a four-year period. He is charged with rape by focible compulsion, two counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, sexual assault, corruption of a minor and indecent assault by forcible compulsion.
His preliminary hearing is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. Thursday before Greene County Magisterial District Judge Lee Watson in Carmichaels.
In other matters, the board appointed Robert Terry to the Greene County Human Services Advisory Board and approved a mini-grant for the revitalization of Nemacolin Park. A bid of $50 was accepted for property located in Cumberland Township that was in the Greene County Tax Claim Bureau since 2008. It had been taken to judicial sale but remained unsold.
During the salary board meeting, the board hired intern Kimberly Furmanek at a rate of $15 per hour to work in the office of the district attorney. Furmanek will work a maximum of 29 hours per week. It accepted the retirement of corrections officer John Lacich from the Greene County jail with $5,000 severance pay. It also accepted the resignation of Sean Doughtery, watershed specialist, effective Sept. 27.
The board hired Tim Hawfield as a security consultant for the county as it addresses concerns throughout various facilities, including the Greene County Courthouse.
Hawfield will receive $25 per hour.
Under the register and recorder’s office, the board rehired Shelby Yourchik as a temporary part-time department clerk at a rate of $11.59 per hour. It approved the voluntary resignations of Shawn Kief, a captain in the sheriff’s department and Sara Bates, a caseworker in human services.
The board also agreed to permit Deborah Stockdale in the sheriff’s departement to temporarily work out of class while the position of captain is vacant.