Man convicted in Pa. wants W.Va. DUI trial moved
MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) – A man convicted in a Pennsylvania wreck that killed a sheriff’s deputy says he can’t get a fair trial in Monongalia County on charges stemming from incidents prior to the crash.
The Dominion Post reports that Jerod Green’s attorney requested a change of venue this week.
Monongalia County prosecutor Marcia Ashdown opposed the request in a response filed Wednesday. She says the defense failed to demonstrate hostile sentiment that would prevent a fair trial.
Green is charged with drunken driving, leaving the scene of an accident and fleeing.
The charges stem from a 2012 hit-and-run accident. West Virginia authorities pursued Green’s truck into Greene County, where it crashed into Monongalia County Sgt. Todd May’s cruiser. May was killed.
Green was convicted in Pennsylvania of third-degree murder.