Two Canton residents charged with assault
Two Canton Township residents were arrested Thursday night by state police for allegedly assaulting a woman inside their Charles Street home earlier in the week.
Ronald Robert Osko, 20, and Nicole Marie Kass, 24, both of 230 Charles St., were arrested after state police obtained warrants from District Judge David Mark. The two are accused of brutally assaulting the woman Tuesday night into Wednesday morning.
The woman told Trooper Thomas Kress, who filed the charges against the pair, she was friends with Osko and Kass and had gone to their home Tuesday. She then asked if she could make a call. After she did so, Osko allegedly became agitated, slammed the door and told her she was not allowed to leave.
Osko then allegedly grabbed the woman by the shirt and pushed her onto a couch. She told Kress that she believes that Osko then punched her because she fell and hit a coffee table. He then allegedly kicked her in the head and body while wearing steel-toed shoes and punched her in the face, arm and back. Kass is accused of kicking the woman in the ribs, buttocks and head.
Osko is also accused of hitting her in the back of the neck with a machete while Kass cheered him on. The woman also suffered burns reportedly caused by Osko putting out cigarettes on her back and buttocks.
Osko then allegedly tore off her clothing. She told police she was then hog-tied with ropes face down on the floor, but was uncertain who tied her up. The woman lost consciousness.
The assault reportedly continued. Her head also was shaved and Osko allegedly sexually assaulted the woman with the machete. One of the two told the woman she did not deserve the tattoo she had on her neck and then reportedly used a razor blade to cut it.
The woman told police that two of her friends were also at the Charles Street home, and unsuccessfully tried to help her.
The woman was taken to Washington Hospital and then transferred to UPMC-Presbyterian hospital in Pittsburgh for treatment of fractures to her face, nose and spine as well as the burns, lacerations and bruises.
The pair were arraigned Thursday night before District Judge Mark Wilson. Osko is charged with aggravated assault, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, terroristic threats, conspiracy to commit unlawful restraint, simple assault and reckless endangerment. Kass is charged with aggravated assault, solicitation to commit involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, terroristic threats, conspiracy to commit unlawful restraint, simple assault and reckless endangerment.
Both are in Washington County jail on $100,000 bond. They are scheduled for preliminary hearings Wednesday in Central Court.