Pieces fall in place for big Tetris game in Philly
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Hundreds of Tetris fans are expected to gather in Philadelphia to play the classic video game on the face of a skyscraper.
Images of supersized shapes are set to fall Saturday evening on the 29-story Cira (SEAR’-uh) Centre. The building has hundreds of LED lights embedded in its facade.
The gigantic game will help kick off an event called Philly Tech Week. It also celebrates the upcoming 30th anniversary of Tetris, which was created by a Russian computer programmer.
Drexel University professor Frank Lee oversaw development of the Philadelphia display. Last year, he created the world’s largest game of Pong on the same skyscraper.
It’s not the first time Tetris has been played on a building, but this could be the biggest version yet.