Upper St. Clair commissioners advance plan
A mixed residential and commercial development proposed for the former Consol Energy site at 1800 Washington Road in Upper St. Clair moved a step closer when the township’s commissioners voted unanimously Monday to adopt an amendment to the zoning ordinance.
Following a public hearing, the amendment to the zoning map essentially rezones the area from a special business district to a special business-mixed use district.
Plans call for the property across Washington Road from South Hills Village to be developed with office space, restaurants, a Whole Foods grocery store and single and multifamily housing. When completed, the development will generate an additional $1.4 million in township and school tax revenue.
However, not everyone is happy with the project, including two residents who have voiced their opposition since it was proposed three years ago. One of those who has taken the issue to court is Moira Cain-Mannix of 1913 Highgate Road. She did not speak during the public hearing, however, her attorney, Tom Ayoob, did. He challenged the validity of the amendment, calling the effort “spot zoning,” which is not permitted under law.
Michael Parrish, who said he was at the hearing on behalf of the developers, 1800 Washington Road Associates, said Cain-Mannix lives more than a mile away from the site and her appeals to previous township actions have been dismissed by the courts. And, Parrish reminded the commissioners, Cain-Mannix did not oppose the expansion of nearby South Hills Village when Dick’s Sporting Goods and Target remodeled and located on the western end of the shopping mall.
Another resident who lives on Bartley Road is also opposed to the development. Her attorney told the commissioners she is elderly and relies on a breathing device. She did not attend the public hearing, but will testify to her objections.
Without discussion by the commissioners, the amendment was passed unanimously.