University to host Mini-Relay for Life
WAYNESBURG – Waynesburg University will host its seventh annual Mini-Relay for Life from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. April 27 in the university’s Johnson Commons.
Each spring, Waynesburg students rally together to generate awareness and raise funds for the American Cancer Society.
A representative from each student group on campus must walk for an hour at a time, making sure a team member is always on the course. The public is invited to enjoy food, games and prizes.
During this year’s superhero-themed relay, campus organizations sell food and products as well as host activities to engage the campus and community in the fundraising cause.
Organizations are also encouraged to fundraise as teams or individually before the event.
“It is crucial for each student group to fundraise,” said Theresa Butler, junior accounting major and president of the Relay for Life. “Without each different club and organization, it would be impossible to host the biggest event on campus and reach our overall goal.”
The event will begin with a morning ecumenical service led by the Rev. Carolyn Poteet, director of faith and mission at the university, an opening ceremony led by University President Douglas G. Lee and a revamped version of “Why We Relay.”
Additional activities will include a karate demonstration, music, student talent, inflatables, caricature artists and the Sheetz truck.
Kelley Hardie, assistant dean of student services, coordinated seven mini-relays at Waynesburg.
According to Hardie, Relay for Life gives the community hope because everyone is striving to make a difference in finding a cure for cancer.
Every year, Hardie and the relay captains establish a certain monetary goal.
“This year we hope to reach an overall goal of $18,000,” said Butler. “If every team reaches their individual goals, this will be 100 percent possible.”
The Mini-Relay for Life will conclude with an acoustic Upper Room service and a closing ceremony with an American Cancer Society Representative.
“If you really take time to consider the people who are battling cancer, survived cancer or lost the fight to cancer, they’re all heroes, and that is why we do Relay for Life,” said Victoria Kapp, junior psychology major and publicity officer for Waynesburg’s Relay for Life.
The 2014 Relay for Life officers are:
• President: Theresa Butler, a junior from Uniontown;
• Vice president: Emily Weiss, a junior from Pittsburgh;
• Survivorship: Katie Schultz, a junior from Venetia and Anastasia Barr, a senior from Avella;
• Publicity: Victoria Kapp, a junior from Shippensville;
• Fundraising: Luke Feldner, a junior from West Lafayette;
• Event chair: Tiffany Franck, a senior from Ephrata.
For more information, contact or 724-852-3402.