Local students win Scrabble trophies

Students from Central Greene School District’s elementary, middle and high schools participated in the Fayette Invitational Regional Scrabble Tournament Friday at California University of Pennsylvania.
Central Greene’s team members won seven first-place and three second-place trophies.
Winning trophies were:
• Third grade – Olivier Sanvicente, second place;
• Fourth grade – Makenzie Barchiesi, first place, and Maddy Klein, second place;
• Fifth grade – Luca Augustine, first place, and Olivia Sanvicente, second place;
• Sixth grade – Ray Behm, first place;
• Seventh grade – Bailey Fudala, first place;
• High school – freshman Jeromy Mackey, first place, sophomore Lily Behm, first place, and junior Hannah Gibbons, first place.
The tournament is an annual event sponsored by the law firm of Davis & Davis. Students from Central Greene, Brownsville, Albert Gallatin, Ringgold and Uniontown school districts competed in the event.
Scrabble is a game that involves strategy and benefits students academically in the areas of spelling, word recognition, vocabulary development, computation, decision making, risk taking, good sportsmanship, fair play, and social skills.