Board discusses separating students
GRAYSVILLE – Some members of West Greene School Board want to make sure students who attend the new elementary center now being built adjacent to the middle-senior high school remain separate from students at the middle-senior high.
The issue was raised at Thursday’s board meeting when board member Tom Coss introduced a motion that the multipurpose room, which will be a part of the new center, be used by elementary students only.
Board members were concerned the multipurpose room might be used for practices by athletic teams from the middle-senior high.
Coss said he introduced the motion because during the public hearing for the new building, the board specifically told parents elementary students would be segregated from the middle-senior high students. “It was one of the things parents were concerned about,” he said.
Parent Crystal Jackson said, however, she believes parents who spoke about the need to separate students were concerned about elementary and secondary students walking the same hallways during school hours. Elementary students now often use facilities at the middle-senior high school, she said.
Other board members noted the motion might exclude parent groups from using the room as well as little league teams, which often include a mix of elementary and middle school students.
Board member Chad Scott suggested the multipurpose room be open to all students but only for after-school events, with elementary groups having preference. He also said he would like to hear some parent input on the matter.
Though she said she shared Coss’ concerns, board president Regina MacDowell said she believes the board should discuss the matter further and more carefully craft a motion to address the matter. Coss agreed to withdraw the motion.
In other business, high school Principal Scott Sakai reported a mock car crash will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday, weather permitting, at the high school athletic field. It will involve a simulated crash of two vehicles, one driven by a drunken driver.
Members of the prom court will play victims and bystanders and emergency responders will participate from the Center Township and Richhill Township volunteer fire companies and EMS Southwest. Lifeflight also will be at the school.
The mock crash will show students what could happen should they make bad decisions during the prom, Sakai said. The event also will be discussed with students later, he said.
James Elsenheimer, director of food service, reported the district will have two sites this year for the summer food service program – the high school and Ryerson Station State Park. The six-week program is funded by the district and grants from the Community Foundation of Greene County.
Jed Hamburger, assistant middle-senior high principal, reported the school had won an academic competition sponsored by Study Island, an educational software provider. The competition includes a $1,000 prize.
The board accepted the retirement of elementary teacher Beverly Grimes effective June 13. Grimes has taught in the district for 37 years.
She will be missed, Principal Don Painter said.
The board reappointed Peacock, Keller and Ecker as school solicitor. The firm will be paid a retainer of $3,600, an increase of $600 from this year. Hourly charges also will increase by $5 an hour. Cornerstone Care was approved to provide a school physician at $5,000; Dr. David Szarell was appointed school dentist at $495; and West Virginia University was appointed to provide athletic trainers at $17,302.
The board approved the submission to the state of Plan of Construction, Part G, project accounting, and Plan of Construction, Part H, project financing, for the elementary center. Several board members had questions regarding the documents including whether change orders were properly reported.
The board accepted the resignations of Ron Todd and Ryan Crouse as assistant varsity football coaches and voted to post the positions. It approved Ryan Crouse, Scott Sakai and Bradley Trump as unpaid assistant varsity football coaches.
The board voted to open the positions of the head and assistant head rifle coaches and post and advertise the positions.