Police beat April 27
Endangerment, traffic charges: George Allen Hollenbach Jr., 29, of 849 Henderson Ave., Canton, was picked up Saturday morning on a warrant obtained by state police stemming from an earlier incident. Hollenbach is accused of deliberately striking a vehicle driven by Amber Miller about 1:50 a.m. Brandon Davis, described by police as Hollenbach’s friend, also was in her car. She told police Hollenbach yelled at her as she drove through the trailer park with Davis. Hollenbach was arraigned before District Judge Joshua Kanalis on charges of reckless endangerment, driving with a suspended license, reckless driving and careless driving. He was placed in Washington County jail on $20,000 bond.
Charged in assault: Brandon Sarasnick, 26, of 58 Stonecrest Lane, Cecil, was arrested Friday by Cecil police for allegedly assaulting his wife. Sarasnick is accused of assaulting Evaughn Sarasnick April 20 and again Friday. Sarasnick was arraigned before District Judge Joshua Kanalis on two counts each of simple assault, harassment and reckless endangerment. He was placed in Washington County jail on $5,000 bond.
Beer stolen: Tammy May Dillon told state police Thursday a case of Milwaukee’s Best beer was stolen from her vehicle while parked in the lot at Dollar General, Route 88, Roscoe.
DUI crash: Sarah Ann Dix, 23, of Amity, faces a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol after crashing her vehicle about 2:35 a.m. Saturday on Interstate 70 at the Murtland Avenue exit, South Strabane. State police said she was going east when her vehicle hit a concrete barrier.
Copper stolen: Terry Ashley Jr. of Pittsburgh told state police April 20 that copper water lines valued at $1,300 were stolen from the basement of a house on Main Street, West Brownsville.