Community events
Cornerstone Genealogical Society will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the log courthouse on Greene Street. Kerry McClure, children’s librarian at Bowlby Public Library, will speak on the history of nursery rhymes – “Who was Humpty Dumpty and Old King Cole?” The public is invited.
Morgan Township Society of Farm Women will meet at noon Wednesday at Calvary Baptist Church. President Audrey Jacobs will preside over the business meeting and Nancy McNeely will have devotions Kay Mitchell will be hostess for the bag lunch. Roll call will be answered to, “Did you get tired of seeing snow every morning?”
CBM Camp in Jefferson will have a memorial pancake and sausage breakfast in memory of John Humble from 7 to 11 a.m. March 15 in the 4-H building at the Greene County Fairgrounds. Donation is $6.