Fishing, fly casting course offered
WAYNESBURG – Later this month, the Greene County Department of Recreation will offer free beginner’s courses focusing on fishing and fly casting techniques. The classes run the week of March 17 and are limited to 20 students. Classes will be held on the upper level of the 4-H Building at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Waynesburg.
In partnership with the Izaak Walton League of America-Harry Enstrom Chapter, the department will first offer a two-day beginner’s course on fishing techniques. Classes will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. March 17 and 18.
The course is designed for anglers who are interested in learning the basic fishing techniques relevant to the season and the type of fish they’re trying to catch.
Instructors Ken Dufalla and Lynn Murral will lead the two evening classes, which focus on topics such as live lining and trolling, drifting, chumming, jigging, surface poppers and bottom bouncing.
The course will also cover natural bait versus artificial lures.
Dufalla and Murral will also lead a two-day beginner’s course in the art of fly casting from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. March 19 and 20. The casting course is designed for the angler who desires to learn the sport of fly fishing, or the beginning fly fisher who wishes to gain a better understanding of the techniques required to catch a fish.
The classes will focus on topics such as gear, knots, stream entomology and safe handling practices. The instructors will also share their insight and knowledge to help guide fishers to make informed decisions on buying equipment, choosing flies, casting and where to fish.
Although the classes are free to attend, pre-registration is required. The pre-registration deadline for both courses is March 14.
For more information, or to pre-register, call the Department of Recreation at 724-852-5323.