Additional remains found at well site
With the capping of the final well head and the completion of safety inspections at the Chevron well site in Dunkard Township, the Greene County coroner’s office, along with a team of forensic anthropologists, were able to go to the well pad late last week and recover additional remains.
Coroner Greg Rohanna said he and Dr. Dennis C. Dirkmatt and his team of forensic anthropologists and applied forensic students from Mercyhurst University recovered human remains believed to be those of Ian Robert McKee, 27, of Morgantown, W.Va., an employee of Cameron International who was working at the site when a well exploded Feb. 11.
On Feb. 20, members of the state police and employees from Wild Well Control initially recovered bone fragments authorities said at the time were most likely those of McKee, who was unaccounted for following the explosion shortly before 7 a.m.