Woodland Owners kick off 15th year
The Southwestern Pa. Woodland Owners will begin its 15th year with a meeting at 7 p.m. today in the basement of the Old Concord Presbyterian Church near Prosperity in Washington County.
Kathy McGregor from Sylvania Natives in Pittsburgh will speak on the importance of maintaining native species in our woodlands the health of the forest, as well as for the wildlife. She will also cover identification of some of the invasive plants that are found in our woods. This meeting is free and open to the public.
On the following March 15, the Woodland group will host a Field Trip Winter Tree ID Refresher Course. What better way to herald a new growing season than brushing up on lessons learned. Arlyn Perkey has agreed to lead a mini Tree-ID course.
After the harsh winter the state of the woods promises to be revealing. Will the undergrowth be noticeably knocked back? Will this be a particularly opportune year to attack invasives as they struggle to regroup?
Bring your notebooks, binoculars, hiking boots and sense of humor. This field trip is free and open to the public. Thosoe going on the field trip are asked to meet at 12:30 p.m. at the Greene County Fairgrounds to caravan to the field trip location. The field trips last from 1 to 4 p.m.
For more information about SW PA Woodland owners, visit our website: http://busybeaver.cs.pitt.edu/swpwo/index.php or call 724-499-5190.