Wildflower walk to be discussed at meeting
WAYNESBURG – The public is invited to attend a meeting of the Wheeling Creek Watershed Conservancy at 6:45 p.m. Tuesday at the Greene County Watershed Alliance office on the corner of High and South Morgan streets, Waynesburg.
The meeting will finalize plans for the upcoming Enlow Wildflower Walk April 27 on state gamelands No. 302, Richhill Township.
Updated information on longwall mining activities in the South Fork Ten Mile watershed, Morris Township, will also be presented and landowners are encouraged to attend.
The Enlow Wildflower Walk is an annual event that brings together bird clubs, botannical organizations, watershed groups and visitors from the tri-state area to celebrate the historic value, natural beauty and bio-diversity of this sheltered valley with its big meandering creek.
Enlow Fork of Wheeling Creek is stocked for trout fishing and teams with aquatic life. Western PA Conservancy and biologist Lou Reynolds will bring equipment to do a stream presentation as part of the educational activities scheduled for this year’s event.
Any educator, naturalist or individual wishing to present information, lead a workshop or bring student groups to participate should attend this meeting. Contact WCWC president Attilia Shumaker at 724-627-7871.
For more information about the county watershed alliance, visit www.greenewatersheds.org or www.facebook.com/greenewatersheds.