Full-time security measures at courthouse near
WAYNESBURG – With full-time security measures at the Greene County Courthouse becoming closer to implementation, the county salary board Thursday hired three full-time security officers who will be among those stationed at metal detection screening devices at the High Street and Church Street entrances to the courthouse.
Hired at a rate of $12.17 an hour were Anthony Vojtas, Robert Lahew and Marshall Simmons. While the security personnel are not deputies, they will be under the supervision of the county’s sheriff’s department.
Former Waynesburg Borough police Chief Tim Hawfield, who headed up the task of evaluating security at the courthouse and the Fort Jackson building, indicated security screening could be in place within a week or two.
Presently, metal detection devices are being used during high profile criminal cases. Anyone entering the courthouse must pass through the metal detection unit. Once this becomes permanent, screening will be mandatory whether there are any court cases or not.
Meanwhile, the salary board also approved the elimination of a part-time assistant district attorney position and created a full-time position. William Kozich, whose resignation as a law clerk was approved, was hired to fill that slot at $41,582 a year.
The board also accepted the resignation of assistant district attorney John Friedmann because of the elimination of the part-time position.
The salary board approved the hiring of Lynn Leathers, the former Democratic jury commissioner, as a temporary magisterial assistant in the office of District Judge Lou Dayich. She will earn $13.92 an hour.
In other business, the salary board:
•Approved the hiring of Cody Rush as a regular part-time data quality associate with human services at a rate of $13.02 an hour.
•Approved the transfer of Kelli Koval, economic development associate, to administrative assistant to the commissioners.
•Hired Ryan Koffler as a temporary county detective at $14.62 an hour.
•Approved the promotions of Melissa Ewart and Contessa Wilson, CYS caseworkers I, from probation to regular status at a rate of $19.40 an hour.