PennDOT announces work schedule
Greene County Maintenance Manager Jerome Simkovic announced the following tentative work plan for the week of Sept. 22.
All maintenance activities are conducted on a weather-permitting basis. Motorists should drive with caution throughout all work areas and be alert for signed work zones requiring the usage of headlights.
The schedule is as follows:
• Culvert pipe reconstruction is being conducted on Route 1021, Crucible Road in Cumberland Township.
• Slide repair activities are scheduled for Route 3011, Hargus Creek Road.
• Crack sealing continues on Route 9 from Mt. Morris to Kirby.
• Shoulder cutting and grading activities are scheduled for Route 218 from Waynesburg to West Virginia line and also on 2018 in Franklin and Whiteley townships.
• Base repairs are scheduled for Route 18 in Franklin, Washington and Morgan townships.
• Flexible base overlay continues on Route 3018, Behm Road in Richhill and Aleppo townships.
• Pothole patching will continue on Route 21 from Junction Deli to Waynesburg, and Route 1021 in the Carmichaels area. Spot milling and patching will begin on Route 19 on Greene Street.
• Ditch cleaning activities are scheduled for Route 88, from Carmichaels to Millsboro.
• State roads will be reviewed and signs will be updated, downed signs will be replaced and concerns addressed on various state roads throughout the county.
• The State Correctional Institution of Greene (CPW) will conduct roadside litter pick up operations on Route 21 from Rogersville to the West Virginia line. Please drive carefully when encountering this moving operation.
PENNDOT has a 24-hour toll free number for residents to call to report any road maintenance concerns. This number can also be used to report locations of dead deer on state highways. The number is 1-800-FIX-ROAD (1-800-349-7623).