Officials discuss zoning appeal
CARMICHAELS- The Cumberland Township Zoning Hearing Board received an appeal of a zoning permit issued for the development of drug treatment clinic at Paisley Industrial Park.
At a meeting of the township supervisors Monday, township zoning officer Ann Bargerstock told several residents in attendance the zoning board has not yet met to consider the appeal.
Bargerstock said several zoning board members have been out of town and she has been unable to reach them to schedule a meeting. “The zoning hearing board will meet to discuss the appeal and determine whether a hearing will be held,” she said.
If the board decides to hear the case adjoining property owners will be notified of the hearing date and a legal notice will be published in the newspaper, Bargerstock said.
DJ Realty Holdings LLC purchased land in the industrial park with plans to construct a 4,800-square-foot medical building for addiction services. It received a zoning permit from the township.
Bargerstock earlier said a zoning hearing was not required for the permit because the clinic complies with the industrial park’s mixed-use commercial permit. A zoning hearing also might draw legal action by the developer, she said.
Members of the Greene County Planning Commission, however, argued under the township’s zoning ordinance, a zoning hearing should have been held to consider whether a “special exception” should be granted to construct the clinic in an industrial or commercial zone.
The appeal of the issuance of the zoning permit was filed by Heidi and Jason Whipkey, who live on Hull Lane near the site of the proposed clinic.
Township solicitor Dennis Makel also told residents if the zoning board hears the case and approves a permit for the clinic, the developers will have to meet requirements for storm water discharge, fencing and lighting and receive a highway occupancy permit to address any projected increase in traffic resulting from the clinic’s operations.
In other business, the supervisors voted to advertise a proposed flood plain ordinance. The state is requiring the township to revise its current ordinance to address changes in regulations and “slight changes” in the map defining flood plains, supervisor Bill Groves said.
The supervisors also agreed to recess the meeting until 4 p.m. Thursday to award a bid for the paving of Nemacolin Way and to discuss quotes for the ball field and fence in Nemacolin.