East Washington Council
• Date: Aug. 3
• Action: Council met with Sarah Boyce of Widmer Engineering to discuss Washington County floodplain ordinance updates, a result of a federal mandate regarding new guidelines related to structures and flood insurance. Council voted to advertise the updates before voting at their September meeting.
A staff member will investigate interest rates to purchase a new or used pickup truck for borough maintenance. According to Aaron Lucero, public works supervisor, a new truck is needed because the two currently owned by the borough are broken down.
Council voted to allow Joe and Sally Wooldridge, 55 Harrison St., to keep a privacy fence constructed partially on borough property. According to the Wooldridges, they did not know the fence, which is in line with two neighboring fences, infringed on borough property. They said their contractor followed the line of a located property marker. The Wooldridges agreed to remove the fence at their expense if they ever sell the property.
Council is accepting bids for borough paving projects and tree removal along Wilmont Avenue.
• Next regular meeting: 7 p.m. Sept. 8