Fire damages Independence Township house

A fire that started in the kitchen heavily damaged an Independence Township home Tuesday afternoon.
Avella firefighters were called just before 3 p.m. to the Chestnut Road home of Rose and Dave Kowcheck after his sister, who lives in the neighborhood, saw smoke coming from the house, said fire Chief Eric Temple.
“The Kowchecks were not home,” Temple said. “They left some time after noon for Washington.”
Temple arrived before the first fire engine. He said there was heavy smoke coming from the two-story brick house.
“He had a garden hose on the porch that I thought about using until the first truck got there, but there was so much smoke, I couldn’t see,” Temple said. “They did have working smoke detectors because I could hear them going off.”
The chief said the fire was quickly brought under control.
“The fire burned through the floor joists to the second floor but never made it to the attic,” Temple said. “We used about 5,000 gallons of water fighting the fire.
“We got a lot of help from mutual aid departments for our guys,” Temple added. “It was just phenomenal how everyone worked together. The fire could have been a lot worse.”
The Kowchecks were called about the fire and returned home while fire crews were still on the scene.
“I’ve known them all my life,” Temple said. “It was sad to see them. (Rose Kowcheck) was so upset.”
A state police fire marshal also responded and determined the fire was accidental.
Assisting at the scene were firefighters from West Middletown, Claysville and Mt. Pleasant Township, along with Franklin and Hoovertown Heights in West Virginia. Slovan firefighters were on standby.