Cops: Drowsy driver killed man walking from methadone clinic
UNIONTOWN (AP) – State police said a pedestrian killed along a busy southwestern Pennsylvania highway was walking to work from a methadone clinic when he was hit by a drowsy driver.
Police said 51-year-old Daniel Ferguson, of Uniontown, was walking along Route 51 in North Union Township when he was hit about 6:30 a.m. Wednesday. He was headed to a convenience store where a friend was to give him a ride to work.
Police were continuing to investigate Thursday and haven’t charged the driver, 21-year-old Cody Pritchard, of Clare, Mich.
Police said Pritchard is staying with relatives and told them he fell asleep and drifted off the highway and onto the berm where Ferguson was walking.
State police were still reconstructing the accident and are investigating along with the Fayette County coroner.