Lions Club names student of month

Zachary Shaffer, the son of Brian and Tammy Shaffer of Rices Landing, was named the student of the month for November by the Clarksville Lions Club.
Shaffer maintains a 3.33 GPA at Jefferson-Morgan High School. He is a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Carmichaels.
He is a member of Big Brothers and Big Sisters and the Science Olympiad and a second-year member of the debate team. As a member of Leo Club, Shaffer has rung the bells for Salvation Army and participated in roadside cleanup for the Keep America Beautiful campaign.
Shaffer is a six-year member of the marching band and concert band. He was named first trumpet at the 2014 and 2015 Greene County Band Festival. He also volunteers to play Taps at funerals.
Shaffer is a three-year football letterman, has served as team captain and was named as a 2014 and 2015 Tri-County South All-Conference Player. He has also lettered in baseball.
Shaffer is a Life Scout in Troup 1168 of Rices Landing and is now working on his Eagle Scout rank. For his Eagle project, Shaffer is repairing and extending the sidewalk at Greene County Historical Society.
During the summer, Shaffer is a lifeguard for Greene County Parks and Recreation.
In the fall, Shaffer plans to enter the U.S. Navy’s ROTC program at Virginia Tech, Virginia Military Institute or the University of Akron to study mechanical engineering.