Sunoco seeking pipeline property

Attorneys for Sunoco Pipeline LP of Sinking Spring, Berks County, have filed in Washington County Court this week property condemnations in the vicinity of Linden Road in North Strabane Township to move propane and other natural gas and petroleum products extracted from the Marcellus Shale formation to the East Coast for refining.
The pipeline company is seeking temporary and permanent easements and rights-of-way from several owners on four tracts.
The owners of the 23-acre tract, described as “vacant land,” are Barbara Neill Borne, now known as Barbara Batterby; James Robert Neill; Jamie Lynn Neill, now known as Jamie Lynn Markle; and William Neill and Richard E. Neill, whose address was listed as 1194 Thomas-Eighty Four Road.
Sunoco also seeks access to a 14.4-acre tract along Linden Road owned by Richard Everett Neill.
Others identified as property owners in the area include John B. and Susan E. Pitts of South Spring Valley Road, McMurray, who hold title to 17.9 acres along Linden Road, and Woodruff Partners of 2095 Washington Road at Linden, a tract measuring slightly more than 139 acres, where the firm is seeking additional permanent easement of 1.12 acres and temporary work space of 1.29 acres.
The pipeline company posted bond along with eminent domain cases.
Sunoco Pipeline’s service territory did not originally include Washington County, but because Mariner East service would originate here, in June 2014, Sunoco Pipeline filed an application to expand into Washington County. The PUC granted this revision in 2014, saying Pennsylvanians and others would benefit from the increased supply of propane as a heating fuel and the “proposed service will offer a safer and more economic transportation alternative for shippers to existing rail and trucking services.”
Sunoco proposed to add the origin point of MarkWest Energy Partners in Houston Borough to the pipeline, which the PUC approved in March.
In court documents, attorneys for the energy giant said the natural gas and oil products would be placed in the pipeline in Houston and moved from west to east in the previously abandoned Mechanicsburg to Delmont segment and newly constructed Houston to Delmont segment to markets in southeastern Pennsylvania as part of Sunoco’s Mariner East project.