Worth Avenue residents take township to court

Residents of Worth Avenue filed a complaint in Washington County Court this week, claiming they were told their street was a township road until South Franklin ceased maintenance Jan. 1.
Plaintiffs in the case are William and Kim Shoup, Abby and Michael Bunch, Robert and Joan Bell, Brenda Kesneck, Edward and Robin Smith, and Joseph and Farrah Fink.
In addition to the township, they named Supervisors Mark Knestrick, Kellie Orlesky and William H. Cline as defendants. According to the suit, the plaintiffs believed as early as the late 1990s that South Franklin has maintained, plowed and removed snow, spread salt, and installed and maintained drainage culverts routinely along Worth and Patterson roads. They claim township representatives told them Worth was a township road subject to local maintenance, and they based the purchase of their homes on this information.
Around Jan. 1, the township ceased to maintain Worth Avenue and part of Patterson Road, and the plaintiffs said the condition of the road has deteriorated. They want the township to either again take care of the road or reimburse them for the cost of the repairs and maintenance. They also asked the court to award damages, attorney fees and costs.
Attorney James R. Jeffries accepted service of the complaint on behalf of the township and supervisors. He could not immediately be reached for comment.