Who’s due for lunch?

It’s 12:05 p.m. – lunchtime – in a little eatery. Two men are shaking hands while another looks on, smiling. It’s cold outside, judging from the coats on the customers and the child in the foreground.
This and the cryptic words “Coney Island” attached to it are all we know about this week’s Mystery Photo. We’re hoping our readers can identify the people, the place and when this scene occurred.
The majority of the thousands of photos in the Observer-Reporter’s archives are of Southwestern Pennsylvania, so it’s unlikely “Coney Island” refers to the famous beach in Brooklyn, N.Y.
If you think you recognize the place or the people, email Park Burroughs, retired executive editor, at pburroughs@observer-reporter.com, or call and leave him a message along with your telephone number at 724-222-2200, ext. 2400.
With some help from our friends, we should be able to publish our findings next Monday.