Senior bowling league results
Results of the matches Jan. 28 at the Meadowlands Lanes in Washington have been announced.
• Firecrackers won three games and lost one to Golden Oldies. John Clark bowled a 190 high game and a 486 high series for the Firecrackers. Don Painter bowled a 180 high game and a 522 high series for Golden Oldies.
• Rowdy Friends won three games and lost one to Hardly Able. Dick Soudan bowled a 180 high game and a 495 high series for Rowdy Friends. Bob Strope bowled a 160 high game and a 436 high series for Hardly Able.
• Sassy Ladies won three games and lost one to Greene Acres. Carolyn Brown bowled a 1t7 high game and a 468 high series for Sassy Ladies. Emerson Snee bowled a 191 high game and George Wilmer bowled a 456 high series for Greene Acres.
• Kings & Queens won four games from Easy Rollers. Harold King bowled a 190 high game and a 533 high series for Kings & Queens. Jim Smith bowled the high game and Marylou Grim bowled the high series for Easy Rollers.
• Strikers won four games from Fab Four. Max Senkinc bowled a 213 high game and a 585 high series for the Strikers. Randy Skelley bowled a 162 high game and a 460 high series for the Fab Four.