After veto, W.Va. lawmakers start moving abortion ban again
CHARLESTON, W.Va. – West Virginia lawmakers Thursday resumed their push to ban abortion more than 20 weeks after conception, despite the governor’s veto on the same kind of proposal last year.
A public hearing in the Republican-led House of Delegates jump-started the 2015 ban campaign Thursday, with groups divided down the same lines.
Bill proponents cited moral and religious grounds, while opponents said the ban would intrude on doctor-patient relationships, is based on shaky science, and would likely be unconstitutional.
The bill bans abortions after 20 weeks, except for expectant women in medical emergencies. On Thursday, a House committee also added a provision that would prohibit abortions when women have psychological conditions that could lead them to hurt themselves badly or kill themselves.
They rejected another amendment to exempt rape and incest.
Doctors and other medical workers who perform banned abortions could face discipline from a medical board, and potentially lose their licenses to practice. Pregnant women wouldn’t be punished.
The bill is based on the assertion that fetuses can feel pain at 20 weeks, an idea that is highly disputed in medical research.
“We oppose any legislation that is not based in sound science and attempts to enter the exam room of the physician and interfere with the physician-patient relationship,” said Dr. Stephen Bush of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, West Virginia.
Social workers, medical groups, doctors and the American Civil Liberties Union were among those speaking against the bill. National and state anti-abortion groups, a Catholic priest and a couple of doctors were among the advocates.
“Life is very, very precious,” said Tom Allmon, who quoted biblical passages. “For those that have been aborted, they never had a chance.”
Republicans are focusing on the issue after taking control of the Legislature for the first time in more than eight decades.
But the push against abortion in West Virginia hasn’t been a Democratic or Republican endeavor.
The Democratic-run Legislature passed a similar ban overwhelmingly last year.
Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin, who has proudly touted an anti-abortion record, still vetoed the legislation over constitutionality concerns.
Both bills resemble a law struck down in Arizona in 2013 that the U.S. Supreme Court later decided not to reconsider.
Tomblin has said he would veto the bill again if it’s the same one.
However, as long as lawmakers move quickly enough, they only need a simple majority to overturn policy-bill vetoes.