Ex-lawmaker White embroiled in legal fight with mother

Former state lawmaker Jesse White is being sued by his mother, who is accusing him of identity theft in Washington County Court.
Sharlene Watazychyn of Waynesburg is seeking more than $28,000 in damages in a lawsuit filed Thursday. The suit claims White opened a Citibank credit card in his mother’s name, using it to fund his law office and write hefty checks.
Watazychyn’s attorney, Charles Kurowski, claims Watazychyn discovered the credit card in her name when she went to refinance her mortgage in July. Kurowski said the bills were being sent to White’s law office at 3855 Millers Run Road in Cecil, and Watazychyn had no idea the account existed.
“We’ve been trying to figure this out for ourselves,” Kurowski said.
Kurowski said White refused to answer calls about the matter, prompting the lawsuit. He said White’s past use of anonymous names to attack constituents on social media platforms buoys his client’s claims.
According to the lawsuit, the account was opened in 2004 and was used, among other things, to purchase Pittsburgh Penguins tickets and finance a 2012 trip to Las Vegas.
White, a four-term incumbent state representative who lost his re-election bid in November, learned about the lawsuit Thursday in calls from reporters. He called the lawsuit “garbage” and said it was filed in retaliation after the mother and son had a falling out. White, of Cecil, said Watazychyn opened the account and made him an authorized user when he opened his law practice.
“I was just out of school, and I wasn’t working,” White said about opening the account. “I needed it. She opened it to help me.”
White said his mother attempted to get state police in Waynesburg involved. However, he said he satisfied their inquiries with documentation, and he noted that he pays the monthly credit card bills.
“I made it clear to police what was going on,” White said.
He acknowledged that he doesn’t return Watazychyn’s calls, and said he feels confident that the lawsuit will be dealt with in the appropriate manner.
“I am an authorized user,” he said. “I’ve taken responsibility for the account.”