Scouts hold pinewood derby in Jefferson

Editor’s note: Members of the Jefferson Cub Scout Pack 1168 Webelo II who won in the pinewood derby were misidentified in a photo Tuesday. The scouts, from left, are J.T. Eggleston, Nathan Knisely and Josh Wise.
JEFFERSON – Jefferson Cub Scout Pack 1168 held its annual pinewood derby race Feb. 7 at the social hall of the Jefferson Volunteer Fire Department with nearly all of the 28 pack members participating.
The boys crafted their vehicles in designs that ranged from a fire truck to hot rods.
The top three finishers in order from first to third in each of the five dens were as follows, Tigers: Joe Bair, Cole Burkett and Drew Adams; Bears: Jonathon Rice, Joshua Bair and Brian Brottish; Wolves: Eric Basiorka, Brennan Crawford and Franklin Staggers; Webelo I: Nicholas Snyder, Devin Dillarreal and Hunter Arigoni; Webelo II: Nathan Knisley, Josh Wise and J.T. Eggleston.