Town gets requests for welcome signs with gun rights message
BAINBRIDGE (AP) – Local officials said several pro-gun rights signs posted in their rural Pennsylvania township as a way to discourage crime was vandalized, but they think they have a way to cash in on the media attention the signs received.
Conoy Township in south-central Pennsylvania recently put up a dozen signs on roads along township borders that say “Welcome to Conoy Township. This is not a gun free zone.”
A supervisor said the signs were a response to recent home invasions and petty crime.
But last week, someone spray-painted over four of the signs, the LNP newspapers reported. Then following news coverage and social media mention of the vandalism, the township began getting requests from several states and gun rights organizations who want to buy similar signs.
Supervisor Stephen Mohr said requests have come in from around the state, as well as California, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio and Texas.
Although supervisors haven’t formally approved selling signs, Mohr said he expects they will. They have discussed using the proceeds for the fire department and a playground program that provides events for about 150 children every summer.