Chamber accepting scholarship applications
WAYNESBURG – The Waynesburg Area Chamber of Commerce is accepting applications from graduating high school seniors for the 25th Annual Chamber of Commerce Scholarship to be awarded in May.
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the scholarship, the amount was increased to $2,500.
In addition, the winner will receive a laptop compliments of PCsquared in Waynesburg.
The scholarship program is open to any Greene County student who will be a graduating senior in 2015.
The chamber urges all high school seniors who are accepted to a college or technical school as an incoming freshman this fall and who maintained a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better while in high school to apply for this scholarship.
Applicants will be required to write an essay and furnish a listing of their school activities and local community involvement. Applications are available to be printed directly from the chamber website at
Completed applications must be submitted by 4 p.m. April 15. The winner will be announced in early May and the scholarship award will be presented at the camber’s monthly general membership luncheon May 27.
For more information, contact the chamber office at 724-627-5926 or email