Central Greene business manager to retire
WAYNESBURG – Central Greene School Board accepted a letter of retirement Tuesday from district business manager Deborah Crouse. Crouse was with the district 24 ½ years. She became the business manager in 2007 after previously serving as the district’s accounts payable clerk.
The board granted a contract extension for Crouse from July 1 to Aug. 28 when her retirement will become effective. Her salary during that time period will be prorated according to her current contract with the district. She will not receive additional sick, personal or vacation days during the contract extension but will be permitted to use those already accumulated.
Under professional staff, the board granted a six-week FMLA leave to elementary teacher Holly Evans to begin March 16 and an unpaid child rearing leave for the 2015-16 school year for Waynesburg Central High School teacher Jennifer Rossi.
In business-related matters, the board accepted an agreement with Zalar Busing, Inc. to provide transportation to Western PA School for the Blind for a special needs student at a daily rate of $259.50 from January 30 through the end of the 2014-15 school year.
The board agreed to the figures for the 2015-16 Intermediate Unit 1 operating budget of $2,215,365, which includes an estimated contribution from Central Greene School District of $23,878.43. This is an increase of $3,217.26 over the current year’s contribution.
The board also gave the go-ahead for the final payment to Waller Corp. for the secure entrance project in the amount of $12,000 to be paid from the capital reserve fund.
The board gave the administration permission to purchase “College Prep Algebra” textbooks, published by Cengage Learning, Inc., for the high school college and career preparatory algebra class in the amount of $2,475.
It accepted the recommendation of the administration to adopt the novel, “The Invisible Thread,” by Laura L. Schroff and Alex Tresniowski for the eighth-grade language arts class at Margaret Bell Miller.
In other business, the board:
• Accepted the resignations of afternoon security guard John D. Garber and weekend/holiday security guard Beverly Woods from the high school. It further accepted the resignation of Melody Koval, a lunch and bus aide in the elementary school.
• Granted transfers for Brenda Dulaney from an afternoon to a day shift custodial position at Margaret Bell Miller Middle School, Ann Marie Pratt from a midnight janitor position at the elementary to an afternoon custodian position at the middle school, and Deborah Carrigan from her four-hour cook position at the high school to a five-hour cook/cashier position at the middle school. Susan Golden was hired to fill the four-hour cook position at the high school.
• Accepted the resignation of assistant seventh-eighth-grade softball coach Emily Bosworth and hired Amy Sibert to fill the position. It approved Hunter Klein and Sally Maxwell as volunteer chaperones. Waynesburg University student Kelsey May and Shawn Hughes were given permissions to student teach and observe, respectively.