Prothonotary announces re-election bid

WAYNESBURG – Susan Kartley White of Waynesburg, who has served as prothonotary of Greene County since 2000, has announced she will seek the Democratic nomination for another term in the May primary.
White is a graduate of Carmichaels Area High School and Penn Commercial Business College.
As prothonotary, White is in charge of the civil division of the Court of Common Pleas, which is responsible for recording and keeping all records, including custody, protection from abuse, divorce, property disputes and other matters relating to the civil division of the court.
White was responsible for updating the filing system and securing several grants in the office for preservation of the naturalization records and other important older documents which are on file in her office.
White pledges to fulfill the duties of her office and run it in the same efficient and professional manner as she has since being elected. She attributes her success as prothonotary to the very competent and dedicated staff she has in the office.
White is a member of the First Church of the Nazarene of Waynesburg, the auxiliary of the Gideons International and the Pennsylvania Association of Prothonotaries and Clerks of Court.
She and her husband, Mike, reside in Waynesburg and have a son, Matthew, who is a teacher in Trinity Area School District.