Meeting roundup
Date: Feb. 19
Action: A second boat launch at Cross Creek Lake will cost $1.7 million instead of $1.6 million from oil and gas lease funds. The commissioners approved a request by Planning Director Lisa Cessna to increase the contract of General Industries of Charleroi by $57,910 to include “necessary additional materials and roadway, drainage, site preparation, LED lighting and electrical work.”
The commissioners approved travel in May to Atlanta, Ga., so Recorder of Deeds Debbie Bardella and assessors Bradley Boni and Raffaele Casale can attend Tyler Technologies Inc.’s conference for appraisal and tax clients at a cost of $3,2000 to be paid for from the Records Improvement Fund.
The board approved a contract with attorney Stephen C. Paul for services related to the post-conviction relief act at a rate not to exceed $25,000 for one year.
At the request of the finance department, the commissioners approved a federal grant application from District Attorney Gene Vittone for $11,000 from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency to review cases involving serious firearm-related charges.
At the request of the human services department, the board acknowledged two agreements with Community Action Southwest: $107,900 for emergency homeless assistance services through Aug. 20, 2016, and an identical amount for homeless assistance services through June 30, 2016.
Next meeting: 10 a.m. March 5 in the public meeting room of the Courthouse Square office building.