’Black Madam’ testifies at buttocks-injection murder trial

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A Gothic hip-hop artist charged with killing a London break dancer she injected with silicone is testifying about the products she used for underground buttocks enhancements.
Padge-Victoria Windslowe says she started doing body sculpting two decades ago to help transgender friends.
In testimony Friday, Windslowe says transgender women often want to plump up a part of the buttocks they call “the boy pocket.”
Windslowe says she’s worked on thousands of people and injects herself with the same low-grade silicone. She says her clients call her the “Michelangelo of buttocks injections.”
Windslowe acknowledges she injected 20-year-old Claudia Aderotimi but says she thought the dancer became ill from alcohol. Aderotimi died in 2011 after injections at an airport hotel.
Prosecutors say she recklessly endangered her clients by practicing medicine without a license.