Great bowls of fire: Greensboro chili cook-off rescheduled
GREENSBORO – The Great Greensboro Chili Cook Off was rescheduled to start at 5 p.m. March 14 in the Greensboro fire hall, located on Front Street.
People are invited to attend to sample the chili or as competitors.
Those who wish to enter the cook-off may do so in advance at the Greensboro Borough office, 405 Front St., Greensboro, or register no later than 4:30 p.m., the day of the event, in the fire hall. Registration is required to compete.
All chili must be homemade without the use of canned or prepackaged chili kits. Canned tomato products are acceptable for use in the chili.
Complete ingredients must be noted on a piece of paper prominently displayed in front of the slow cooker or pot from which the chili is served. The slow cooker or pot is to be provided by the participant.
Each participant should make 2 gallons of chili and are responsible for serving it.
The admission fee is $5 for adults and $2 for children. The fee includes all chili tasting, corn bread, dessert and one ticket for the people’s choice voting. Additional people’s choice votes may be obtained at a cost of $1 per vote.
Judging will be conducted for the judge’s choice award by three well-known, local chefs.
Purchase of larger quantities of chili will be permitted after the judges complete their tasting and select the overall winner.
Local author, Michele Buday-Murray will be at the event for a signing of her book, “Around Greensboro.”
The chili cook-off is sponsored by the Nathanael Greene Community Development Corporation with all proceeds used for projects in Southeastern Greene School District.
For more information, call 724-943-4462 or visit