Senior bowling league
Results of matches Feb. 25 at the Meadowlands Lanes, Washington, were announced.
• Sassy Ladies won four games from the Golden Oldies. Carolyn Brown bowled a 174 high game and a 479 high series for Sassy Ladies. Don Painter bowled a 147 high game and a 395 high series for Golden Oldies.
• Greene Acres won two games and lost two to Rowdy Friends. George Wilmer bowled a 197 high game and a 502 high series for Greene Acres. Dick Soudan bowled a 175 high game and a 493 high series for Rowdy Friends.
• Hardy Able won three games and lost one to the Firecrackers. Don Lindley bowled a 171 high game and a 461 high series for Hardly Able. John Clark bowled a 189 high game and a 467 high series for the Firecrackers.
• Strikers won three games and lost one to Easy Rollers. Max Senkinc bowled a 223 high game and a 587 high series for Strikers. Carl Hoy bowled both the high game and high series for the Easy Rollers.
• Fab Four won three games and lost one to Kings & Queens. Randy Skelley bowled a 167 high game and a 484 high series for the Fab Four. Harold King bowled a 193 high game and 506 high series for Kings & Queens.